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Heroes Den Bosch strengthens squad with Luuk van Bree

The top basketball club from Den Bosch has secured the services of international player Luuk van Bree for the next two seasons. The 28-year-old from Helmond played for ZZ Leiden for the past four seasons, where he was very successful and frequently faced off against the Den Bosch team in finals.

Coach Erik Braal views the 2.03m tall forward as a "major signing" who will significantly impact the newly built team: "Luuk brings winning experience and leadership to Maaspoort. He is at his peak age-wise and will undoubtedly make the players around him better. It's fantastic that we managed to bring him to Den Bosch, and I am very much looking forward to working with him!" said Braal.

For Luuk van Bree, this career move feels a bit like "coming home": "I am a Brabander, having played in Helmond and Deurne before moving to the youth academy of EiffelTowers. In short, Maaspoort holds few secrets for me and feels familiar. I had an incredibly beautiful and successful time in Leiden but felt ready for a new challenge. I can't wait to start contributing to the ambitions of Heroes from August 1st and to become part of the rich history of this wonderful club!"

The club's technical staff is currently working on building the Dutch core of the team, with more news to follow in the coming weeks. Additionally, a new "Heroes Talk" episode featuring coach Erik Braal will be released online soon, providing an interim update on all developments and answering fans' questions about the club, the team, and the past and upcoming seasons.

LVB 2026



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